1. My church services start at 9:00.
2. I conduct the hymns for our congregation (meaning, I need to be there early or at least on time for the first hymn!)
3. It takes a minimum of 10 minutes to drive from my house to the chapel.
The math stars in the audience will have figured out by now that I had 15 minutes to make myself presentable and hit the road.
The blessings in this situation?
1. I DID (somehow, blessedly) manage to get ready in 15 minutes. Hair, makeup, clothes - I was good to go.
2. When I got to the first light and it was red I pretty much threw away every hope of arriving on time. Usually in this situation I would be frustrated and raging at the traffic light. This time, however, I knew I had done my absolute best to make it to church on time. So I told Heavenly Father that, and sat back for a nice, relaxed drive.
3. Whaddaya know? Every single light after that was green! And yes, I made it to church in the nick of time.
Moral of the story: Sometimes you have to hit a red light so all the other lights further on have a chance to turn green.