First, the "trivial" (if any sort of blessing could be so described). On my way to Tiffany's, every single one of the nine stop lights in my route turned green right before I got to each intersection. It's the only time I can ever remember driving straight there without having to stop at all. And yes, this made me happy.
Second, the important. Yesterday was a very stressful day and I pretty much had a breakdown near the end of it. Today started out depressingly similar, and by recess I decided I couldn't take it any more. Consequently, I sent my students out to play, closed the curtains over my doors, turned off the lights, and knelt down to pray.
It was more of a "I don't know what's wrong with me but please help me, please help me, pleasehelpmepleasehelpme pleasehelpme" kind of a prayer than anything else, but guess what? Even when we're at our wits' end and feel like we don't have it in us to move onward - let alone be nice to the people around us - we can. If we ask for help, Heavenly Father will wrap us in His love and give us the strength (or patience and love) to get through whatever it is we need to get through.
It was, on the whole, a most extraordinary few minutes that had a huge impact on my day (and on my students, as well!) Truly awesome, and I am grateful.
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